We hope you enjoyed the first part of the Digital Scavenger Hunt. As promised, here is part 2. This time we will be focusing on the digital archives of the Augusta Chronicle.
If you’d like to share your results or have any questions about accessing the Augusta Chronicle digital archives please email the Georgia Room at genealogy@arcpls.org
Thanks for playing along!
Augusta Chronicle Digital Archives
What were the headline articles on the day of your birth?
Find James Brown’s obituary and tribute.
Find an article reporting the total number of deaths in Augusta from the Spanish flu at the end of 1918.
Find the obituary for a friend or loved one who lived in Augusta.
Find an article that reported the sinking of the Titanic.
Find an article about one of the libraries in the East Central Georgia Regional Library System.
Next Level Challenges –
Search your home address, and see if anything of interest has happened there over the years.
Find an advertisement for one of the various “medicines” that were used to treat non-serious ailments during the early part of the twentieth century.
Find a legal notice in the Richmond County Neighbors section of the newspaper.
In the 1920s the Augusta Chronicle featured a column titled, “Notes Among the Colored” that reported on the activities of the African American community in Augusta. Who wrote “Notes Among the Colored?”